

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago

Finding Free Literature


Many journals are now open access. Some high profile ones are the PLoS journals. The Directory of Open Access Journals lists many open content journals. There is also BioMed Central.


You can also search for free full text journals using PubMed. Using the Limits tab select links to full free text to limit your search results with open content.


Google Scholar gives great google searching of academic articles and often you can find full text ones.


You can also find a supervisor of a group you like and they might have full pdf versions of their papers posted on their lab webpages. This method is obviously pretty hit and miss.


Finally, if you want a paper but don't have access, you can often get access by going to a university library and downloading or printing the pdf's.


Remember, some journals are read and cited more than others. You learn about Journal Impact Factors from wikipedia which also has some links to lists i.e. (Science Citation Index from Thomson scientific).



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